Sunday, March 4, 2012

Loud Playing vs. Soft Playing

If you play an instrument you're gonna know what I'm talking about. If you're thinking about playing an instrument then you should keep this in mind for later. If you are playing an instrument you want it to be heard right? I am not saying that you want to be heard over the rest of the band, you want your sound to blend but you want there to be enough sound to blend in. Honestly I have a problem with playing loud enough. I'm a clarinet player and clarinets are not generally the loudest instrument, but they still have to be heard. I have been working on playing louder since the beginning of the year and I have gotten a little better at it. My not playing loud enough has always bugged me but it really hit me in the face when I was playing in an important concert and i was playing 1st clarinet part because the real 1st clarinetist couldn't be there. I was the only one playing the first part and I wasn't near as loud enough as I should have been.  It definitely did not help my band. So here are ways that can help you if don't play loud enough. One do not get discouraged, nothing happens over night. First try playing louder in your room while you practice, but be careful playing loud itself isn't that hard but playing loud and keeping good tone quality is. After you get comfortable playing loud in your room try playing with other people. Confidence is key if you can't play with your friend then you can't play in your band. Once you feel comfortable playing around people play louder in your band. Go for it unless you are the only thing being heard no one is going to be upset with you. Do not be surprised if you can hear yourself play it's a good sign. But it does not necessarily mean you are playing loud enough. The most important thing is to remember you are a good musician that is only getting better. You should be glad you are taking the next step to becoming greater. Also remember that there are times when you do need to play softly. In places where it is important to play soft softer is better. My band director is always telling us to exaggerate the crescendos and decrescendos loud isn't loud enough and soft isn't soft enough.

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