Sunday, January 29, 2012


Losing people is hard. You grieve over them and try to hold yourself together. If you are grieving a loss there are loads of things you can do. Everyone is different and different things have different affects on people. I like to listen to music it helps take my mind off things. One of my friends likes to take a run and clear his mind. You can talk to your friends or family members. Reading a book is a good way to escape to another world. You could even research a topic you love. If you're a friend of a person grieving the best thing you can do is be there for them talk them through the down sides and try to take their minds of the bad situation in front of them.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Waiting 4 .......... Auditions

Waiting for audition results or anything for that matter is tough. I am currently waiting to know about an audition and it's killing me. I wouldn't be so worried if it wasn't for all the other people who auditioned and are really great. Best things to do are keep it off your mind it's hard but it can be done just do something fun. And rant about the audition with your friends it does't make you forget but it helps to know that other people are worried also.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Music Changes Your Mood!

Honestly it's true. Half of the things in movies wouldn't be the same without music. I was watching two sad movies the other day and they wouldn't be half as sad without the music accompanying it. And the action scenes wouldn't have as much action and tension without the music.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tips for Battling the Blues

When your upset there are many different things to do to take your mind of things
1) Take a walk (possibly with your dog)
2) Write in a journal (or type)
3) Clean (yeah i know but i've found that it actually helps)
4) Talk to a friend (not just txt)
5) Play with a pet
6) Read a book
7) Listening to music- whatever you're into (my personal fav)

Open Mind!

Someone important that i know said - Open Heart, Open Mind, and Open Doors. Meaning if you don't keep your opportunities open you might miss great things.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Band Mishaps...

Have you ever been in a music class (ex. band) and you're going over new music you never seen and or heard and you get 100% flustered. to the point of mortification. You think everyone is judging you because you didn't do well even though you are a good musician with the evidence to prove it.
Well I've done this honestly too many times to be good for me. Best way to handle this is to ***sigh*** Practice and prove yourself the next time or you can cry or go back with the I'll knock your block off attitude. :) Anyways follow two steps:
Step 1) Hold head up high.
Step 2) Keep the image of you as a great musician and that you are always improving.